My Story
Question: Is this you? Want to make a change for yourself and your family. Needing to step outside the infamous box and view some new horizons. I have wanted to own my own business for a long time and as always managed to find something stressfull and costly, with not much of a return to me. Giving up was not an option so I stood fast and kept my focus. One day in my imagination of daydreaming I say myself Standing outside my shadow; it appeared to not be pointing in the upward position toward's the peak, so there was a nudge in my mind to change your angle and find a new position. Life is not fearful just tedious, move your feet. Alright then, I said to myself.:) My niece, Monica introduced me Scentsy and said you can do this, girl this is a no stress and safe product to give your home a great scent with much pizazz. The best part is you get to learn how to run your own business while you are earning money. So 3 months in and I am at the Certified Consultant level, recooped the kit fee and then some. I am enjoying this move and my home smells great all the time, with Perfectly Pomegranate. It is June 2012 and I am a Lead Consultant with Scentsy and have 2 recruits, and I was not in the market for, but it happened and I am happy about that. I love selling Scentsy products and most of all, I get to meet all these great people who have become my friends as well as customers. So you see you get a double whammy with the Scentsy family: Earn money, build your business and make new friends all while ENJOYING life doing it. Come see, call me and let me give you a tour. You will have fun! AnnJ